WordPress database error: [Failed to open the referenced table 'wp_17b6j1xtqr_woocommerce_sessions']
CREATE TABLE godaddy_mwc_checkout ( id BIGINT(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, session_id BIGINT(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, email_address VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, cart_hash VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, email_scheduled_at DATETIME DEFAULT NULL, updated_at DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY (id), INDEX (email_address), FOREIGN KEY (session_id) REFERENCES wp_17b6j1xtqr_woocommerce_sessions(session_id) ON DELETE CASCADE ) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci

About Natasha Burke – I Got Your Back Girlfriend

About Natasha Burke

It’s been my life long calling and passion to work with women. I came from an abusive background and wasn’t empowered most of my life. I wished I had a mentor or guidance that helped me become empowered. I have done a lot of work on myself over the years to be the powerful woman that I am now. It’s an honor to work with woman that need support, mentoring and empowerment because you are worth it!

As an entrepreneur and mentor, I have worked with women from all walks of life for the last 40 years. I bring my education, life experience, personal and heartfelt stories, and tools that help women grow, be more confident, fear less, feel enough, be empowered and become the best version of themselves. I guide women to come into their full potential and own their power.

I worked as an advocate for women in domestic violence for three years, where I facilitated over 75 weekly women’s groups at the YWCA in Santa Rosa and I continue to advocate for women. I was a Doula, childbirth educator, Lactation Specialist, and Nutrition Educator. I am a self-published author of I Am Enough, Becoming empowered and celebrating your true self.

I developed a 16-week women empowerment course for organizations that work with teen girls and women. I designed an 8-week course for individual self-growth or facilitators who run women’s groups. I offer training for women to facilitate women’s groups with the courses I developed.

I facilitate women’s circles, provide workshops for women who want to transform their lives from surviving to thriving. It’s time to reconnect, restore, reclaim and renew your authentic self because you are worth it. Aa a community, it’s time to show up in life big and bold.

I am a wife, mother of three children and two beautiful grandchildren. I am an artist, musician, writer and love nature, dancing, and traveling in my free time.

Natasha Burke

Natasha Burke

“Women want connection with other women. Women want to belong to a tribe. I invite you to join our tribe where you will never feel alone because together, we can move mountains.”