• Woman of the Month Features Trish Luna

    I would like to honor this amazing woman for all that she is and all that she does. Trish Luna is clearly an outstanding volunteer, mentor, and advisor, but I believe she should be viewed foremost as an outstanding Girl Scout leader who embodies their mission. She is and has been a troop leader for the Girl Scouts since 2001, as well as a facilitating trainer for both leaders and girls within the organization itself.  She has been among the most visible promoters of girls’ leadership skills, using her passion and dedication to help build girls with Courage, Confidence and Character.  She has served as an extraordinary role model. Trish has generously…


    Triggers Witten by Natasha Burke November 9, 2018 Do you have triggers? What are your triggers? What do you do when you are triggered? Do you have coping skills to use when you are triggered? You might ask, what is a trigger? A trigger is something that sets off a memory tape or flashbacks bringing the person back to the event of her/his original trauma. Triggers are real. Different things trigger different people. A person may avoid situations and stimuli that she/he thinks may trigger a flashback. Triggers are old painful feelings. Once you recognize your trigger, I invite you to look at that trigger. See where it originated so…